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"Suzy is awesome! All the reviews you see about her are 100% accurate and not written by a bunch of her friends. She is a powerful healer and will give you a gift the gift of spiritual, emotional, and physical healing! Your small fee to her for the work she does with you is the best gift you can give yourself. Trust me, book a session with Suzy and you will NOT be disappointed. In fact, you will probably book future sessions."

- Efraim D. Los Angeles Ca


"I have been working with Suzy for the last five years and have experienced many different facets of her talented skill set. She is a wealth of wisdom and has been instrumental in helping me to improve myself in both spiritual and mundane affairs.


Her Reiki practice of the Clean-and-Clear, which she developed herself, and her hypnotherapy skills with past-life regression and EFT/tapping blend with her deep knowledge of medical anthropology and human anatomy and physiology. She is attentive to the whole being of her clients, and goes the extra mile to make sure everyone who comes to see her feels comfortable and acknowledged.


I have gone to her weekly for the last several months, and my life has transformed with great benefit as a result. She holds me accountable for my unconscious patterns and guides me along the path towards healing and reprogramming those patterns with awareness and understanding that I can apply every day in the world around me.


I cannot recommend Suzy more highly for any bodywork, energy work, or coaching/teaching assistance. She is such a blessing - a genuine, heartfelt, compassionate healer who really lives her mission in her day-to-day life. If you have a session with her, you will not be disappointed!"

-Heather Rose D. San Francisco, CA





"Since I've taken the Reiki class my hands are much warmer
and I'm sleeping better."

-Leah Ferrer, Freelance Format Proofreader


"Ever since I've taken Reiki I feel I am a more positive force.
My massage clients really feel a difference."

-Fe Thibodeaux, CMT


"Our first visit included an energy cleansing. My husband carries a lot of crap home from work, I pick up on (unfortunately). I held my aura close to my body, as a self-defense, to not pick up more negativity, than I can handle. Right after the cleansing I felt huge (not in body-mass ;) ), expended, able to breath, however the real progression of the energy cleanse I did not feel until I was back in Texas. I am able to remain super calm, no matter what. This does not mean I have become oblivious to things around me, it means I have a different perspective on life, that helps me to regain my inner peace and balance, not to mention that I have energy to do things finally again. My husband has flight-anxiety and Suzy helped with this as well. While his anxiety did not totally disappear (yet), she gave him tools on how to help himself lessen the symptoms." 

-Alexandra J. -Fort Worth Tx


"I went to Suzy in mid 2010 for a Reiki Level One Attunement. Great, amazing experience. For the price, I was extremely impressed with not only the depth and insight, but the level of engagement and warmth I felt in the group for the training. It made the experience quite memorable as well as valuable and enlightening in content. She was comfortable and at ease with issues that were hard and troubling for me that actually came up in the process of the attunement. Powerful healing was in the room, and it was clear she was generating it. She didn't bat an eye and I felt thoroughly supported in the process that otherwise may have made me shut down. I learned a lot, and it was a joyous experience with laughter and truly insightful guidance. I also visited her years before that when she worked at Kabuki Springs & Spa for Reiki treatments. What she offered far outweighed the cost of the treatments. Suzy is a rare healer. Clairvoyant, intense, humorous, very caring and engaging. I ended up requesting her specifically because I felt not only validated, but opened up to my own awareness and healing capacity. A powerful healer and Lightworker that truly stands out. I fully would recommend her as a teacher, and would suggest her if you want a healer that will engender you to feel safe, and empowered to heal and understand the root of the problems than need healing rather than just a soothing balm with no penetrating lasting effect."

- Stephanie S. Oakland Ca


"Suzy is extremely well grounded and has 30 years of experience working on the human body. On a purely physical level she is an accomplished expert. On a spiritual and psychic level, she is a true master. Suzy doesn't waste any time with "feel good" mumbo-jumbo. She dives right into the depths of the soul and clears away any karmic garbage. Her ability to stay grounded, ego-less and totally compassionate during her work makes her healing very powerful!!I was so transformed by the first couple of Reiki sessions that I had with her that I decided to study Reiki under her guidance. I'm so glad I did.I've been studying Reiki with her for over a year now. Her classes and no nonsense approach to a nebulous concept has changed my every- day life. Suzy makes no claims to phony authority and is truly humble about her gifts and talent. She makes Reiki a very viable and practical part of one's daily life.I would highly recommend her as a healer for anyone with physical pain and for those who are ready to tackle more karmic conditions-Suzy is phenomenal!Suzy is also a fantastic teacher for those who are ready to take that path."

- Marie Joie H. San Francisco






"Suzy performed a great wedding for us. My wife is from Brazil and Suzy worked with an interpreter in the ceremony so that our Brazilian guests felt included. She took a creative approach to make sure our ceremony was meaningful."

-Van Kindle


"My wedding was even better then I imagned it could be! My wife and I both follow Pagan/Wiccan beliefs and thought we would never find a minister that could preform the ceremony we dreamed. We couldn't have been more wrong! When we first met Suzy she worked with us to have the best ceremony script possible, making it the handfasting we dreamed while still being sensitive to our other non-pagan/wiccan family and guests. She preformed an amazing ceremony that we will remember forever."

-Rylan & Heather Winter


"My husband and I came to San Francisco to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.I have two witches in my family and during a time, I am at total peace with myself, I have a HEALTHY sixth sense (so to speak) as well. Unfortunately I lost my balance, due to outside influences causing me inner struggle and severe mental hardship - 2012 was particularly a difficult year for me and although I recovered in 2013, for the most part, I never found this inner peace and balance again.


I believe the universe guided me to Suzy - While I was surfing the net for temples, restaurants and lounges, I came across an ad by a hypnotherapist in SF who offered past-life regression sessions. I visited his website several times and his many reviews were/are all positive, but somehow I felt he is not the right guy for me. This gave me the idea to look for other hypnotherapists in SF to do a past-life regression sessions and several popped up on the screen, but I did not feel a connection to any of them until Suzy showed up. Before I even visited her webpage, I knew she was the one! She is not only a hypnotherapist who offers past-life regression sessions, but also a interfaith minister with the Universal Life Church who performed our wedding anniversary ceremony, a 3rd. degree Wiccan priestess, Shaman, Reiki Master who cleansed all my negative energy, a massage therapist who helped my poor muscles, not to mention a wonderful teacher who shows you how to help yourself.


I visited her four times during my stay in SF (two times my husband joined). I recommend Suzy, She is very kind, but also calls you up on things you should improve on and is very educated regarding her many expertise's. She helped my husband and me tremendously in so many aspects of life."

-Alexandra J. -Fort Worth Tx


"The second visit included our wonderful wedding anniversary ceremony. Suzy took care of the flowers for the altar and was an excellent host and minister. She included all of the details and wishes we expressed up front in the ceremony and added some new ideas on her own. I absolutely loved it, she even gave us a small wonderfully decorated cake after the ceremony."

-Alexandra J. -Fort Worth Tx





"In addition to her service on our Advisory Board she consistently presents practical and theoretical teachings to Bryman College massage therapy students on such topics as: wholism, working with energy and Reiki. Her lectures and practices are down-to-earth, well organized, often humorous and very insightful. I highly recommend her as a speaker and a teacher. Ms. Peltier has both expertise and enthusiasm regarding wholism and its role in future health care."

-Leslie Aunola,Career Services Director, Bryman College


“As the president of a women’s group in San Francisco, I am responsible for finding great speakers for our eclectic group. Around Halloween our group was interested in learning more about Wicca, and the real thinking behind the holiday. Suzy was recommended by a local bookstore. She not only brought us an intelligent, respectful presentation, she answered our questions, then went a step further to give us a delightfully experiential component: a real-life ritual in the spirit of Halloween! I heard from many that it was the best workshop ever! Suzy is an engaging lecturer and knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects. I highly recommend her.”

-Alice K. President of a women’s group in San Francisco




Hypnotherapy Massage/Bodywork

"I was just as relaxed after a straight hypnotherapy session as
I am after receiving a massage."

-Jenny Ng, SBC Business Manager


"The combination of hypnotherapy, massage and Reiki is awesome,
I highly recommend Suzy"

-Morya Short, Design Consultant,


"If you are considering hypnotherapy or massage from Suzy I can say from experience that you will be in very, very good hands."

-Amanda Hawes, of Law firm of Alexander, Hawes and Audet


"As a professor of allopathic medicine and a client of Suzy’s for several years I have found her to be and accomplished wholistic practitioner. Her use of Eastern medical massage techniques along with the integrated use of hypnotherapy is skillful, heart-felt and highly effective."

-Brenda Spriggs, M.D., FASP, Rheumatologist


"I went alone to the third meeting. This session included my past-life regression session. To my surprise I was not only able to visit one, but three lives. Since I was a small child I knew I was burned alive in one of my past lives and I thought it was as a witch. While I was indeed burned alive, it was not as a witch, but as a nun during the Reformation. It was only a short visit into this life, however it gave Suzy and me enough information to know, that I had psychic abilities already back then, because it seemed, that I ascended out of my body, before the fire got to me. The second life I visited was in regard to my husband. We are "soulmates." I always knew that I met him in another life before. I lived in Boston and my husband was there as well, but he was much older and of a higher class, than me and we never got together. Somehow the year 1839 stuck in my head and after the session I looked up drawings and paintings from Boston around this time on the internet. The fashion, the horse-carriages and houses were exactly like I saw it in my past-life. I never visited Boston in my current life or showed interest in history around this era and/or area. In my third life I was a little boy in India. This may seem funny to some of you, but my husband in my current life, was my mother in this past life. She was a servant for a "white" family, they may have been British, but I do not know for sure. Unfortunately she died in a storm, however it was still a very fulfilling life, I had a hard time leaving it and coming out of the session. Just amazing."

-Alexandra J. -Fort Worth Tx




Massage Body Work

"In addition to good, solid massage techniques, Suzy's strongest asset is her ability to communicate. She listens to and understands people's needs. She uses her heart as well as her hands with excellent results."

-Dr. David Wang, OMD, PhD, Lac. Acupuncturist


"Suzy is a consummate professional and skilled bodyworker of tremendous caring, who brings great experience and maturity to her practice. She has my highest recommendation."

-Michael Sven Zabelin, DC, Member,
Board of Directors National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association


"With Suzy, bodywork is soulwork. Anyone desiring to have a richer relationship to oneself -- and, by extension, others -- can benefit immensely from Suzy's gifts as a massage therapist, healer, and teacher."

-Erin Tribble, Freelance Writer and Editor


"I have used Suzy as a referral source with excellent results. Suzy works closely with me, and the treatment is fulfilled with competency and deep caring."

-Dr. Pamela Y. Ableidinger, PhD, Psychotherapist


"With nearly 30 years experience working with chiropractors and acupuncturists, Suzy is a gem. She has been an active part of my trusted referral team for seven years and counting"

-Audrey Egan D.C


"During my fourth and last visit, Suzy gave me the option to visit my past lives again or to get a massage. It was very tempting to go back in time again, but one of my goals was to get a good massage. Suzy finds all the little spots that give you trouble and has a few other tricks up her sleeves to get your muscles relaxed."

-Alexandra J. -Fort Worth Tx


"When I began working with Suzy Peltier over ten years ago she was already an excellent, experienced, caring bodyworker.  She has undergone further training over the time we have worked together in pain-specific, body/mind integration massage therapy and clinical expertise, including 1,500 clinical hours over a six year period with me.  Her deep myofascial technique and mastery of CranioSacral work give the best and most lasting relief for my own neck ache, jaw clenching and other stress-related TMJ symptoms when they occur.  I cannot recommend her work highly enough."

-Bill Bowers, DC


"Suzy Peltier is a healer who has a deep and intuitive understanding in helping people recover from physical trauma and its emotional ramifications. I am grateful for her teaching and healing energies. I recommend her highly."

-Carron O. San Francisco, Ca




Priestess Work

"Suzy Peltier helped me accept my connection with everything in this Universe in full trust that moves beyond faith, with the non-judgment of Energy. Suzy showed me how to recognize my own power through energy work and she showed me how to better respect myself, and as a result, others. Her Taoist Wicca teachings keep me well aware of how connected I am to everything around me, which helps me live with less fear of abandonment and shame. Her teachings and methods are easy, practical, and extremely powerful."

-Angela Beaman


"Suzy is a truly gifted teacher, healer, lecturer and facilitator. I’ve had the privilege of participating in her classes and workshops as a student and found them to be transformational and life-changing in the most positive ways. In addition, I have also had the honor to invite Suzy to be a Guest Lecturer with the National MS Society where her workshops and classes were met with rave reviews. Suzy’s depth of wisdom and knowledge coupled with her compassion and excellent speaking skills make her a phenomenal teacher and healer. I highly recommend her services."

-Lisa G, Mill Valley, Ca

"Suzy has been a phenomenal spiritual mentor and has strongly influenced my journey to becoming a healer over the past 3 years. She tailors her approach for healing, spiritual counseling, and skill acquisition to every individual student or client's needs. Her powerful intuition, great sense of humor, strong academic preparation, and extensive clinical experience make her a fantastic resource and a joy to learn from!"

-Chelsea L., Oakland, Ca

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