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Discovering Taoist Wicca and the Wisdom of the Seasons Workshop

In this workshop, Suzy Peltier, aka Lady Red Hawk, 3rd Degree Wiccan Priestess and founder of the Taoist Wiccan Tradition, explores this Wiccan self-coaching system in-depth. She shares her seasonal self-coaching system called "Taoist Wicca" in-depth in her  book titled, "Ancient Wisdom for Modern Needs: Discovering Taoist Wicca. Wisdom of the Seasons."


By mixing Wiccan ritual with Taoist principles, and Chakra wisdom, this system transforms the agricultural calendar known in Wicca as Wheel of the Year for stress management, healing and growth. See how a process of applied introspection can open the sabbats as thematic and energetic connections between the body, mind, and spirit: the Unseen, ourselves, and our planet.


Chakra Classes

Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel" or "vortex."  We have 7 major Chakras that operate as a thematic link to the body's endocrine system.  Functioning much like a hard drive, Chakras help us integrate life themes such as survival, sexuality, power, love, truth, creativity, and wisdom.  This basic class covers energetic theories and strengthens perceptions through meditation and practice.


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