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Intake Form

Please print this page and bring it to your first session along with a signed copy of the policies on the previous page. If you have a medical referral you can text a photo to me or bring it along with your copies of the policies and Client Intake forms.



Client Consent and Questionnaire                         










Best phone number



Best email



Name of emergency contact:



Their phone ___________________________ email __________________________________


Relationship: __________________________________________________________________


Do they live with you?

YES  _________          NO__________



Briefly describe the reason for your visit.__________________________________________________________________________





How long have you had this discomfort or situation ________________________________


Do you have a doctor or chiropractor’s referral for medical massage?

YES  _________          NO__________


How did you find me?     _______________________________________


Do you have any ongoing health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, depression for which you take medication?


Please list:







Covid-19 Related Questions

1.Have you been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by a doctor or a local public health official in the last 14 days?


2. Have you been tested for COVID-19?   NA______  If so, when?    _____ /____/____


a. What was the result?      Positive_____   Negative______


3. In the last 14 days:


  • Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days
    (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other respiratory problems, new,
    or strange symptoms)?   

  • Yes______   No______

  •  If yes, please describe___________________________________________________


4. I'm fully vaccinated. Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19? 

YES  _________          NO__________


  •    1. If not, are you partially vaccinated?
        YES  _________          NO__________

  •     2. If not, do you plan to do so? 
         YES  _________          NO__________


5. Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19,
or someone exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms?
YES  _________          NO__________


6. Have you been tested for COVID-19?

      a. if so, when  ______/______/_____

      b. What was the result?    positive _______  negative_____   


7. Have you been somewhere with a high infection rate in the last 2 weeks?

YES  _________          NO__________


8. Have you been to any unmasked gatherings, such as political rallies, beaches, schools, or parties in the last 14 days?
YES  _________          NO__________


9. I have seen the policies under "Other" on this site and I agree to abide by them.
YES  _________          NO__________



For everyone’s well-being:​

I acknowledge that while precautions are taken for my safety, any bodywork, or in-person meeting carries inherent risks. By coming to an appointment I am accepting these risks.   YES  _________          NO__________


Should any answers to the previous questions change, I agree to inform Ms. Peltier immediately.   Yes____  No___


Furthermore, if I have a temperature above 100.2°F on the day of the appointment, or have developed cold or flu-like symptoms since scheduling the appointment, I agree to inform Ms. Peltier and postpone my session? 

YES  _________          NO__________


I also agree that should I fail to inform Ms. Peltier of any changes to my health prior to my appointment, or I have a temperature of 100 degrees or more upon arrival, she has the right to refuse service.    

YES  _________          NO__________


I agree to these conditions and affirm the truth of my statements:  Yes________


Signature:  ___________________________________________________________________  


Date: ________________________________________________________________________ 

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